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The Sayings of Jesus Christ in Shia Traditions

The Sayings of Jesus Christ in Shia Traditions



On wealth and Property

49. It is reported that Jesus (‘a) found fault with property and said: ”It has three characteristics.” It was said: ”And what are they’, O Spirit of Allah.”’ He said: ”One acquires it illegitimately, and if it is acquired legitimately, it keeps one from spending it in its right place, and if one spends it in its right place, its management keeps one from worshipping one’s Lord. (1)

50). It is reported that the Commander of the faithful [Imam Ali], peace be upon him, said: Jesus the son of Mary, Peace he upon him, said: ‘The dinar is the illness of religion, and the scholar (al-‘alim) is the physician of religion. So if you see that the physician brings illness upon himself, distrust him, and know that he is not to advise others.’ (2)

On Company

51 Imam Ali (‘a) said: Jesus the son of Mary (‘a) said: ‘Verily the evil-doer is infectious, and the associate of the wicked is brought down. So beware of those with whom you associate.’ (3)

52. It is reported that Abu ‘Abd Allah [Imam Sadiq], Peace he upon him, said: The Apostle of Allah, may the Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his progeny, said: ‘The Apostles said to Jesus, Peace he upon him: O Spirit of Allah! With whom should we keep company? He said: He the sight of whom reminds you of Allah, the speech of whom increases your knowledge, and the works of whom make you desirous of the other world. (4)

The Incorrigible Fool

53. It has been reported that Abu ‘Abd Allah [Imam Sadiq], Peace be upon him, said: ‘Verily, Jesus the son of Mary (‘a) said: ‘I treated the sick, then I healed them by the permission of Allah, and I cured those born blind and the lepers by the permission of Allah, and I treated the dead and revived them by the permission of Allah, and I treated the fool, but I could not correct him.

Then it was said: ‘O spirit of Allah. What is a fool?’ He said ‘He is one who is admirable in his own view to himself, He who considers all merit to be for him and not against him, and who finds all rights to be for himself and does not find against himself any right. Such is the fool for whom there is no way to cure him.’ (5)

The Heart’s Sickness

54 And Jesus the son of Mary said: There is no sickness of the heart more severe than callousness, and no soul is more severely affected than the one that goes without hunger, and these two are the halters of expulsion [from divine mercy] and abandonment. (6)

55. Verily, Jesus (‘a) said: Why do you come to me clothed in the garments of monks while your hearts are those of ferocious wolves? Wear the clothes of kings, but soften your hearts with fear. (7)

Anger and Its Source

56. It is reported that Abu ‘Abd Allah [Imam Sadiq] (‘a) said The disciples said to Jesus the son of Mary (‘a): ‘O teacher of the good! Teach us what is the most severe of things.’ Then he said: the most severe of things is the wrath of Allah.’ They said: ‘Then what prevents the wrath of Allah?’ He said: ‘That you are not wrathful.’ They said: ‘What is the source of wrath?’ He said: ‘Pride, haughtiness and contempt for the people. (8)

Five Evils

57. It is reported that Abu ‘Abd Allah, [Imam Sadiq], Peace be upon him, said: The Messiah, Peace be upon him, used to say: ‘He who has many worries, his body becomes sick; he who is ill-tempered, his self becomes his torment; he who often talks, often stumbles; he who often lies, loses his worth; he who quarrels with men, loses his manliness. (9)

Evil scholars

58. Imam Sadiq (‘a) said: Jesus the son of Mary, Peace be upon our Prophet and his progeny and with him. said: Woe unto the evil scholars! How the fire inflames them! (10)

Satan’s Clientele

59. Jesus (‘a) met Iblis who was driving five donkeys. Loads were upon them. Jesus (‘a) asked him about the loads. Iblis said, They are for trade, and I am looking for buyers. Jesus (‘a) said, What is the merchandise? Iblis said, One of them is injustice. He (‘a) asked, Who buys it? He said, Rulers. And the second is pride. He asked, Who buys it? He said, Village chiefs. And the third is envy. He asked, Who buys it? He said, The learned. And the fourth is treason. He asked, Who buys it? He said, Those who work for merchants. And the fifth is trickery. He said, Who buys it? He said, Women (11).

The Richest of All Men

60. Jesus, Peace be upon him, said: My hands ‘are my servant and my feet are my mount; the earth is my bed, a stone my pillow; my blanket in the winter is the east of the earth and my lamp in the night is the moon; my stew is hunger and my motto is fear; my garment is wool and my fruit and my basil what grows from the earth for wild beasts and cattle. I sleep while I have nothing and I rise while I have nothing, and yet there is no one on earth wealthier than I.(12)

Seeking God’s Pleasure

61. And Jesus (‘a) used to say: O apostles, love God through hatred of the ‘disobedient, and approach God by distancing [yourselves] from them, and seek pleasure by their displeasure. (13)

The criterion of Mutual Relations

62. It is reported that Imam Sadiq, Peace be upon him, said: Jesus the son of Mary, Peace be upon them, said to some of his companions: ‘Do not do to others what you do not like others to do to you, and if someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him your left cheek too. (14)

Others’ Opinion of Oneself

63. The Messenger of God (s) said: Jesus the son of Mary (‘a) said to John the son of Zachariah, ‘If something is said of you which is true, then know that it was a sin that you had committed, so ask God’s forgiveness for it, and if something is said of you which is not true, then know that a good deed will be recorded for you for this, for which you did not have to labour. (15)

On Having a Good Opinion of God

64. Al-Sayyid ibn Tawus, may God have mercy on him, said: I read in the Gospel that Jesus (‘a) said: ‘Who among you gives his son a stone when he asks for bread? Or who hands out a snake when asked for a cloak? If despite the fact that your evil is well-known you give good gifts to your sons, then it is more fitting that your Lord should give good things to one who asks. (16)

Inner Chastity

65. Jesus (‘a) said: You heard what was said to the people of yore, ‘Do not commit adultery,’ but I tell you, he who looks at a woman and desires her has committed adultery in his heart. If your right eye betrays you, then take it out and cast it away, for it is better for you that you destroy one of your organs than cast your entire body into the fire of hell. And if your right-hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it away, for it is better for you to destroy one of your organs than that your entire body should go to hell. (17)



1. Bihar al-Anwar. 14, 329.

2. Bihar al-Anwar. 14, 319.

3. Al-Kafi, 2, 640.

4. Al-Kafi, 1, 39.

5. Bihar al Anwar. xiv, 323.

6. Bihar al-Anwar. 66, 337.

7. Bihar al-Anwar. 73, 208.

8. Bihar al-Anwar. 16, 257.

9. Bihar al-Anwar. 14. 318.

10. Al-Kafi, 1, 47.

11. Bihar al-Anwar, 64, 196.

12. Bihar al-Anwar, 17, 239.

13. Bihar al-Anwar. 14, 330.

14. Bihar al-Anwar, 10, 287.

15. Bihar al-Anwar, 14, 287.

16. Bihar al-Anwar, 14, 318; Sa’d al-su’ud, 56)

17. Bihar al-Anwar, 14, 3l7.

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