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The Famous Shia Exegetes of the Holy Quran 1

The Famous Shia Exegetes of the Holy Quran 1



In a literal sense, the term “Tafsir” has its root from the three-letter word “Fa-sa-ra” which means to “clarify”, “interpret”, “explain”, “expound”, or “disclose”.  But in Islamic contexts, the term “Tafsir” refers to a branch of Islamic Sciences which focuses on explaining the meanings of the verses of the Qur’an or uncovering God’s will which has been conveyed by the Quranic text. In this case, Tafsir is referred to as exegesis or commentary of the Qur’an. Therefore, an author of a tafsir is referred to as Mufassir (an exegete). Meanwhile, we are going to examine in this article the famous Shia exegetes of the Qur’an from among the Companions and the generation that followed them.

Shia Exegetes From Among The Companions

The foremost among them was Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (PBUH), Master of the Shias and their Imam. He collected the Holy Quran and interpreted it (based on the manner it was revealed to the noble Prophet). He had a book in which he had mentioned sixty different branches of the sciences connected with the Holy Quran, which in fact is the basis of all the books connected with Quranic Studies. As-Suyuti has said that Imam Ali (PBUH) was mostly referred from the Companions of the Holy Prophet (PBUHH). He (PBUH) was martyred in 40 A.H.

Among them is also counted Ubayy Bin Ka’b An-Ansari. As-Suyuti has included him among the ten Companions who were confident in matters connected with the Exegesis of the Holy Quran. He died in 30 A.H.
Abdullah Bin Abbas was the first person who dictated to others in this field and he has been quoted by all other exegetists. As-Suyuti has counted him among the ten Companions of the Holy Prophet (PBUHH) who got fame in this field. He has also said that the better-qualified people after the Companions, from among the ten companions and from among the Tabi’ites, with respect to the interpretation and explanation of the Holy Quran, were the inhabitants of Mecca because they followed Ibn-Abbas.

Similarly, Ibn-Nadim, while mentioning the book written in the field of the exegesis of the Holy Quran, refers to a book by Ibn Abbas. He says that Mujahid quoted from it. Hamid bin Qais has quoted Mujahid, while Warqa’ has cited him through Abi Najih. Similarly, Isa Bin Maimun has also cited Mujahid through Abi Najih. His being a Shia does not add any clarification. He died in 68 A.H.

Shia Exegetes From Tabi’ites and After

Maitham bin Yahya at-Tammar who was a Shia scholastic and speaker in Kufa was a Tabi’ite. Similarly, Sa’id Bin Jabir was Tabi’ite. He wrote a book on the explanation of the Quran which is often quoted by other exegetists. As-Suyuti has treated it to be a thorough and dependable book and has quoted Qitadah the Sa’id as the most informed of the Tabi’ites in a matter of Tafsir. Similarly, Ibn-Nadim has also mentioned his Tafsir in his Al-Fahrist, while discussing the books written in this field. He does not mention any other Tafsir written before it. The evidence of his being a Shia is given by Allama al-Hilli in al-Khullasah as well as al-Kishi in his Biographical Dictionary. He has also said that the only reason for his being killed by Hajjaj was that he was a Shia. He was martyred in 94 A.H.

Abu Saleh Miran al-Basri, a pupil of Ibn Abbas was a Tabi’ite, is counted among the prominent scholars of the Holy Quran. His being repeatedly quoted by Muhammad Bin As-Sa’ib Al-Kalbi in his exegesis is proof of his being a Shia. Another evidence of this effect is the trust that al-Mufid has posed in him, in his book Al-Kafi’ah fi Ibtale Tawbat al-Khatiah, after quoting a tradition from his relating to Ibn Abbas. He died after the lapse of the first-century hijrah. Tawus al-Yamani, a pupil of Ibn Abbas, was a Tabi’ite. Ibn Taimiyyah has declared him to be the most well-informed of all’ in his exegesis, while Ibn Qutaibah has declared him to be Shia. Shaikh Tusi has counted him among the companions of Imam Ali ibn al-Husain (PBUH) and has said that he was always attached to him. He died in 106 A.H. Among them is Imam Muhammad Baqir (PBUH).Ibn-Nadim has mentioned a book of his while writing about the exegesis of the Holy Quran. He has been quoted by Abul Jarud and Ziyad bin al-Mundhir, head of the Zaidite-Jarudite sect. The most dependable Shia writers have quoted him through Abul Jarud. He passed away in 114 A.H.

Jabir bin Yazid al-Ja’fi wrote a book on Tafsir and has been mentioned by An-Najashi and Ash-Shaikh in Fahrist. He died in 127 A.H. Siddi al-Kabir Isma’il bin Abdur Rahman Abu Muhammad al-Qorashi was a Tabi’ite and was the author of a famous book on Tafsir which has often been quoted by exegetists. As-Suyuti declares his exegesis to be one of the most dependable ones. Similarly, Ibn-Nadim has written, while mentioning the exegesis of the Holy Quran, “A book of Tafsir of As-Siidi which we shall discuss later on.” According to Shaikh Tusi, he was one of the companions of Imam Ali bin al-Husain (PBUH), Imam Muhammad Baqir (PBUH) and Imam Ja’far Sadiq (PBUH).

According to Ansab-us-Samani, he had found the company of the companions of the Holy Prophet (PBUHH) and the authors says, “Isma’il bin Abu Khalid used to say that Siddi was more informed of the Holy Quran than Sha’bi” Ibn Mardawiyyah has described him to be a Hafiz and author of an exegesis. Ibn Hajar has written about him in At-Taqrib that he was truthful but also accused of being inclined towards Shi’ism.
According to Tahdib-ut-Tahdhib, Ibrahim An-Nakh’i passed by As-Siddi while he was explaining the Holy Quran to the people. An-Nakh’i said, “Is not he explaining according to the way of these people (the Shias)?”
Al-‘Ajali has said about him that he was trustworthy, and well-informed in the explanation of the Holy Quran and has been oft quoted. He has said also that At-Tabari and Ibn Abi Fatim and others have referred to his explanations in their exegesis. According to what has been said about him in Tahdhib-ut Tahdhib, it appears that he took to extremes in his Shi’ism. It is he about whom you read Ash-Sha’bi’s statement. As to Siddi as-Saghir Muhammad, he is of course a non-Shia and reports from Siddi al-Kabir, who died in 127 A.H.

Muhammad bin Sa’ib bin Bashar al-Kufi is a Tabi’i and Kufite scholar of exegesis. His book is well known and many exegetists quote him. Ibn Nadim has mentioned his book while reporting about the books on exegesis of the Holy Quran. Ibn’Adi has written in Al-Kamil that he is well-known for his explanation of the Holy Quran. His exegesis is the longest and most comprehensive. Many authentic people have depended on his interpretation and have agreed with him. According to Ansabus-Samani,” He was an inhabitant of Kufa and author of an exegesis of the Holy Quran.” He was among the companions of Imam Zainul Abidin (PBUH) and Imam Muhammad Baqir (PBUH). Ibn Sa’d say that he was well-versed in exegesis, genealogy of the Arabs and their usages. As-Saji has said in Tahdib-al-Tahdhib that the tradition reported by him are left out. He died in 146.

To be continued!

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