Ayatollah Sistani Offers Condolences to Iran Over the Martyrdom Of President Raeisi

Ayatollah Sistani Offers Condolences to Iran Over the Martyrdom of President Raeisi



According to the official news agency of Iraq (WAA), Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Sistani, the Supreme Shia Marja of Iraq, in his message of condolence to the Iranian nation, stated that the news of the death of Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi and his companions in the helicopter crash was regrettful.

In this message, Ayatollah Sistani offered his condolences to the honorable nation and the officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran for this painful loss, and prayed to God Almighty for mercy and divine grace for the deceased loved ones and for the survivors and grieving families for patience and great reward.

On Sunday, President Raisi was returning from a ceremony to open the Qiz Qalasi Dam on Iran’s border with Azerbaijan en route to the inauguration of the “Tabriz Refinery Upgrade Project” in the Dizamar forest area between the village of Ouzi and Pir Davoud when his helicopter crashed in Varzaqan region.

SOURCE: https://en.irna.ir/news/


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