In this part of the article titled “Music, the Qur’an and Ahadith”, we shall discuss some of the negative consequences of music from the perspectives of authentic Ahadith.
1. In the narrations, we read that (الغناء رقية الزنا) meaning that slowly – step by step, ghina leads one to commit adultery.
It is not possible for Shaitan just to leave the person alone who is listening to music, singing or even associating with the people who indulge in music. Rather, he tries, day by day, to drown such a person in deeper and greater sins!
Shaitan (Satan) begins to misguide one by introducing gatherings of sins whereby there is music, clapping and dancing (with others). After this, comes the mixing and mingling of men and women, which leads to exciting their sexual instincts– especially the youth! When such a gathering takes place, it is the breeding ground for loss of shame and humility and thus adultery even takes its root.
The people who simply start out by listening to music in gatherings with their families, gradually get to a stage where they do the same in their universities, clubs and organizations; and then from there, go to merry-making, dancing, the free mixing of men and women, drinking alcohol and eventually even adultery. May Allah protect us from all these evils.
2. From the ahadith, it is clear that committing sins and listening to music leads to the removal of Allah’s blessings from society and sending down the punishment upon them. The final Prophet of Allah, Muhammad (s.a.w.a) has said: ‘A person who has fallen prey to the instruments of lahw and other sins should be in waiting for red wind and disgrace to fall upon the land.‘ (1)
One of the indisputable facts from the Qur’an is that having taqwa and performing righteous acts leads to the sending down of good tidings and blessings from Allah whereas oppression and corruption in the society lead to being afflicted by punishments. Looking through the history of those who came before us, this fact of the Qur’an is very clear. (2)
3. From what ahadith mentioned, we can conclude that using the drum during the wedding commemoration is not a problem, as long as the men and women are not present in the same gathering and the use of the drum does not lead the program to the point of being considered as ghina. However, the late Shaikh Murtaza Ansari has said that ‘it is better to refrain from this.’
From the collection of verses of the Qur’an and the ahadith that have been presented in relation to music, we can conclude that Shaitan was the first one on earth to indulge in music, and thus, the one on Earth today who takes charge of all parties and forbidden gatherings is none other than this sworn enemy of Mankind!
According to his own opinion, it is he who adds life to gatherings and parties through the use of various instruments and certain tactics and keeping the people away from the remembrance of Allah and pulling them towards sin.
Therefore, if a person indulges in music, dancing and these types of gatherings, or makes music – which has many social and psychological dangers – as a part of his daily schedule of life, then slowly he will be drawn in indulging into vain and futile acts such as forbidden relations with the opposite sex (or in some cases, with the same sex!).
These people, in addition to forgetting Allah and His bounties, will also become negligent of their Islamic responsibilities and will fall into forgetfulness of life after death.
It is evident that once a person reaches this stage, then the punishment of any sin or evil act will not mean anything to him, and he will freely indulge in fornication, adultery, homosexuality, murder, rape, theft, and all other vices that are evident in today’s society. In addition to hurting others around him, his own physical body and soul will also face many problems.
In addition, when looking at history, we see that dancing and music were two particular acts which were related to the gatherings of the Khulafa (those governors and rulers who unjustly reigned over the Muslim masses through tyranny and violence) and the oppressive kings and leaders, and those who mainly attended were the rich people of their communities.
During the tyrannical reign of the Bani Ummayah and Bani ‘Abbas, the kings of Iran and other empires these things were prevalent. Apart from hosting such forbidden parties and gatherings, these so-called leaders were also busy killing hundreds and thousands of innocent people – and the killing of the Prophet Yahya and of Imam Husayn can be attributed to such corrupt gatherings and the people that frequented such places.
It is because of this that from the very beginning of the appearance of al-Islam by the Holy Prophet Muhammad and during the days of the leadership of the A’immah that music, dancing and gatherings associated with these were forbidden.
Even today, we see that the promotion of music and dancing is one of the ways that the Western powers, (especially that of the colonialists) have used to suppress developing countries and thus they are always looking for help and handouts. In addition to corrupting their own societies, they have now moved onto the purer pastures and are trying to promote and propagate their own immoral ideas!
1. Wasa’il ash-Shi’a, Verse 12, Page 231, Khi’al Shaikh Saduq, 15th Section
2. See Surah al-Baqarah, Verse 61 & 62, Surah Aale- Imran, Verse 123 and after, Surah al-Maidah, Verse 66, Surah al-A’raf, Verse 99, Surah al-Anfal, Verse 29 and 53, Surah Hud, verse 52, 57, and 117, Surah al-Ra’d, Verse 11, Surah Yunus, Verse 98, Surah al-Jjijr, Verse 66 and after, Surah Marium, Verse 59 and 60, Surah al-‘Akkabut, Verse 40, Surah al-Mo’min, Verse 51, Surah at-Talaq, verse 2, 3, 7, 8, and 9.