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Mu’awiya’s poisoning of Imam Hasan (as) 2

Mu’awiya’s poisoning of Imam Hasan (as) 2



This part of the article titled “Mu’awiya’s poisoning of Imam Hasan (as)”, we shall continue with other relevant information on the martyrdom of Imam Hasan.

And last but certainly not least for the present day Nawasib, since two of ther beloved Imams having Nasibi tendencies and influnced by the habit of question the authenticity of those traditions that affect the Sahaba namely Dhahabi and Ibn Katheer also recorded this fact without any objection:

وقد سمعت بعض من يقول‏:‏ كان معاوية قد تلطف لبعض خدمه أن يسقيه سماً‏.‏

“Waqidi stated: I heard some people saying that Mu’awiyah secretly made one of his servants administer poison to him”.

Shaykh Muwafiquddin Ahmed bin Qasim al-Khazraji popularly known as Ibn Abi Asiba (d. 668 H) in his authority work Ayun al-Anba Fi Tabaqat al-Atba,(1) has recorded the biography of one of the closest physicians of Muawiya, namely Thamama bin Athaal. He was a prominent Christian Damascene and acted as the means via which Muawiya would access poison that he would use to eliminate his opponents. We read:

.وكان ابن أثال خبيراً بالأدوية المفردة والمركبة وقواها وما منها سموم قواتل وكان معاوية يقربه لذلك كثيراً ومات في أيام معاوية جماعة كثيرة من أكابر الناس

Ibn Athaal was an expert in mixing unique mixtures of medicine and was well versed in their results and potencies and was hence well versed in the different types of lethal poisons, which is hence why Muawiya praised him immensely. During an era of Muawiya, a numerous Muslim personalities were killed on account of these poisons.

The said author cites the names of those individuals that succumbed to the poisons administered by Muawiya through the above-mentioned doctor that includes Abdulrehman bin Khalid bin Waleed, the famous companion of Maula Ali bin Abi Talib namely Malik bin Ashtar (ra) etc.(2) the author then references Tabari:

.الحسن بن علي رضي اللَّه عنهما مات مسموماً في أيام معاوية وكان عند معاوية كما قيل دهاء فدس إلى جعدة بنت الأشعث بن قيس وكانت زوجة الحسن رضي اللَّه عنه شربة . وقال لها إن قتلت الحسن زوجتك بيزيد فلما توفي الحسن بعثت إلى معاوية تطلب قوله فقال لها في الجواب أنا أظن بيزيد

Hassan bin Ali (ra) died on account of poisoning during the reign of Muawiya. Muawiya connived with Ja’da bint al-Ash’ath bin Qays the wife of Hassan who administered poison to him, on the condition that Muawiyah would marry her to his son Yazeed. When Hassan died, she sent a request to Muawiya to fulfill the said promise to which Muawiyah replied he feared for the well being of Yazeed.

Similarly Mutahar bin Tahir al-Maqdasi in his esteemed work Kitab Al-Bada wal-Tarikh, states: (3)

.أن معاوية دس إلى جعدة بنت الأشعث بن قيس بأن تسم الحسن ويزوجها يزيد فسمته وقتلته فقال لها معاوية إن يزيد منا بمكان وكيف يصلح له من لا يصلح لابن رسول الله وعوضها منه مائة ألف درهم

Muawiya conspired with Ja’da bint al-Ash’ath bin Qays and issued her with an assurance that he would marry her to Yazeed provided she administered poison to Hassan. When she killed him, Muawiya gave her 100,000 Dirhams and said: ‘Yazeed is dearer to me, how can I be sure that what transpired with the grandson of the Prophet will not also happen to Yazeed?’ Who was Ja’da bint Asha’ath bin Qays?

At this juncture we deem it apt to shed some light on Ja’da’s family background as most of our opponents are unaware as to what sort of relationship she had with some notable ones. The learned ad-Dhahabi, writes about her father Asha’ath bin Qays al-Kindi:

له صحبة ورواية

“He is a companion and there are traditions narrated through him”.

And then his tarnishing the honor of companionship:

.ارتد الأشعث في ناس من كندة ۔۔۔ لما قدم بالأشعث بن قيس أسيرا على أبي بكر أطلق وثاقه وزوجه أخته

“He apostatized along with several clan members of Banu Kindah…When he was arrested and was brought to Abu Bakar, he was unshackled and got his sister (Farwah Bint Abi Quhafa) married to him.”.

Now, how did Asha’ath bin Qais repay this favor?

فاخترط سيفه ودخل سوق الإبل فجعل لا يرى ناقة ولا جملا إلا عرقبه وصاح الناس كفر الأشعث ثم طرح سيفه وقال والله ما كفرت ولكن هذا الرجل زوجني أخته ولو كنا في بلادنا لكانت لنا وليمة غير هذه يا أهل المدينة انحروا وكلوا ويا أهل الإبل تعالوا خذوا شرواها

He unsheathed his sword and thereafter entered the market of Camels and without discriminating between male or female camels, proceeded to slice off their humps. People, thus exclaimed Asha’ath you have (yet again) become a disbeliever (kafir). He then threw his sword and said: ‘By God, I have not apostatized, but this person (your Caliph) has given his sister in marriage to me, and were we in our country, we would have also thrown a banquet. O citizens of Medina, slaughter and feast, O camel owners, come hereby and take revenge (4)

And take note that the editor to al-Mujam-al Kabir namely Mahshi Hamdi Abdulmajeed Salafi, has stated regarding this tradition: “All narrators of this tradition are narrators of Sahih with the exception of Abd al-Momin bin Ali but he is Thiqa”. Along the same lines al-Haythami in Majmua al-Zawaid,(5) has certified the tradition as authentic. Dhahabi in the same work records a very humorous incident worth mentioning:

دخل الأشعث على علي في شيء فتهدده بالموت فقال علي بالموت تهددني ما أباليه هاتوا لي جامعة وقيدا ثم أومأ إلى أصحابه قال فطلبوا إليه فيه فی تركه

Asha’ath went to Ali for some work, however (due to his lowly stature) he began to threaten to kill Ali. Ali said: ‘You want me to fear death, I am not unnerved by it, bring forth a collar chain and a sharp knife’. Then Ali pointed towards his companions (i.e. arrest this man), but upon their intercession on Asha’ath behalf, Ali let him go (6).

Despite his apostasy (Irtad) and disbelief (kufr) what was the reason behind giving him such benefits and grants? The daughter of this brother in law of Abu Bakar poisoned Imam Hassan (as) while Ja’da’s Brother Muhammad was the key men to Ubaydullah Ibn Ziyad and played a vital role against Muhammad bin Aqil (as). What shall we learn from warm and healthy relations the father of Ja’da had with the rulers and that of his policy of betrayal and hypocrisy towards Ali bin Abi Talib (as)?




1. page 153

2. on page 156

3. Volume 6 page 5

4. Sources:

  • Siyar alam-al-Nubala,Volume 2, pages 38 39
  • al Mujam-al Kabir, at-Tabarani, v1, tradition # 649, p237, Baghdad Edition)

5. Volume 9 page 115

6. Siyar alam-al-Nubala, Volume 2 pages 40 41

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