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Important Lessons from Fasting in the Holy Month of Ramadan

Important Lessons from Fasting in the Holy Month of Ramadan



The month of Ramadan is a month full of numerous spiritual activities that are aimed at impacting positively the life of a fast-observer. Those effects are not restricted only to the period of fasting; rather it is a life-long one. In reality, fasting in the holy month of Ramadan is a whole month training programme that is aimed at a total life transformation and reformation of the fast-observers and consequently, it impacts positively human society at large. In the article, we examine some of the important lessons from the Ramadan fast.

Lesson One: Ramadan and Consciousness of Allah (Taqwa)

In accordance with a clear Quranic verse, it is categorically stated that the ultimate and the greatest benefit of fasting to its observers is Taqwa (i.e., Consciousness of Allah) and the attainment of Allah’s countenance.  Without any doubt, Taqwa is a very crucial and indispensable attribute every believer should endeavour to possess. Thus, in this regard, Taqwa is not a quality that is restricted to the month of Ramadan; rather it is a unique quality one needs to possess at all times.

Lesson Two: Ramadan; A Month of Fasting

Based on an explicit verse of the Qur’an, fasting in the holy month of Ramadan is made obligatory for believers. For the numerous benefits associated with fasting, it is expected of every sane and mature believer to imbibe the habit of fasting, particularly those supererogatory ones on some prescribed days of the year.

Meanwhile, it is pertinent to say at this juncture that those having ‘Qada’ (i.e., reparation) fast or any obligatory fast (such as Kaffarah) should -as a matter of necessity- use such an opportunity for the repayment of their missed Ramadan or another obligatory fast. This is because it is not allowed to engage in a supererogatory fast while one is still having a reparation or any obligatory fast on him.

Lesson Three: Ramadan; A Month of Qur’an

The month of Ramadan is generally known as the month of the Qur’an; simply because the Holy Qur’an was revealed unto the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a) on a very special night of Qadr (i.e., the night of Majesty) in the month of Ramadan. In view of this, recitation of the Qur’an is considered a highly rewarding act of worship in this great month.

Meanwhile, Qur’an is a divine message to humanity, which contents at all times are guidance to humanity. Thus, its recitation and proper understanding is a life-long task of every believer and should not in any way be restricted only to the month of Ramadan.  Thus, we must cultivate the habit of reciting the Glorious Qur’an daily; working towards understanding its divine message and we should endeavour to act according to its divine teachings.

Lesson Four: Ramadan; A Month of Immense Devotions

The month of Ramadan is a very conducive and spiritually-rich period for the observance of several acts of worship. Meanwhile, it is pertinent to note that worship of Allah should not be restricted only to the month of Ramadan; rather, it should be considered a life-long activity of an obedient servant of Allah.

Lesson Five: Ramadan; A Month of Supplication and Invocation

The month of Ramadan is indeed a highly conducive and spiritually-rich period for supplications, invocations and the fulfilment of one’s legitimate needs. Interestingly, supplication is a form of worship, which has a very great impact not only on the spiritual well-being of individuals but also on the fulfilment of their worldly needs.

Lesson Six: Ramadan; A Month of Late-Night Prayers

The month of Ramadan is a month popularly known for the regular observance of late-night prayers (Qiyam al-Layl). In fact, the honour and greatness of a believer -according to tradition- is in his praying at night.  Thus, every servant of Allah who wishes to purify his soul; enliven his heart; strengthen his will; and perfect his sincerity always uses a part of the night to worship Allah.

Meanwhile, having established the significance and benefits attributed to the late-night prayer, it is expected of every believer after the expiration of the month of Ramadan to inculcate the habit of regular observation (even if it is just a 2-unit prayer).

Lesson Seven: Ramadan; A Month of Generosity

The month of Ramadan is a period when Allah invites the rich as well as the poor to be His special guests and irrespective of their social status, they were both charged with the same duty of observing the fast. However, the well-to-do individuals during this Holy month experience the conditions and situations of the poor and less-privileged ones in the community and hence they are generous to them.

For this reason, the month of Ramadan is a month especially known for immense acts of charity and generosity in Muslim communities. However, the acts of generosity to the poor and the less-privileged ones should not be restricted only to the month of Ramadan; rather, it should be a continuous one.

In light of this, let the well-to-do individuals (including you and me) endeavour to identify the poor and the less-privileged ones around us (either in our family or the community at large) and respond positively (financially or otherwise) to their needs. Mind you! Generosity is not only about money or financial aid, it is rather about being kind, understanding, and helpful to others. Thus, let’s help those around us in whatever ways possible.

Lesson Eight: Ramadan; A Month of Self-Purification and Discipline

The month of Ramadan is a period for the purification of souls and self-discipline. For a period of a month, the fast-observers in an attempt to gain proximity to Allah voluntarily abandon some of their most dear daily activities (such as eating, drinking etc.) during the daytime. Consequently, one will have some level of control over his desires.

In light of this, after the completion of the Ramadan fast, it is expected of every Muslim to try as much as possible to control his eyes, ears, hands, legs, private parts and other parts of his body from engaging in forbidden acts.

Lesson Nine: Ramadan; A month of Repentance (Tawbah)

The month of Ramadan is popularly known as a month of repentance; a period when devoted servants of Allah sincerely display a sense of regret and remorse over their sins and consequently return to their Lord from a sinful lifestyle.

Of course, the holy month of Ramadan has gone but the opportunity of seeking repentance and returning to the Lord is left open for us. Therefore, let’s endeavour to abandon the old sinful lifestyle and turn towards Allah repentantly. For He is All-Forgiving, All-Merciful.

Lesson Ten: Ramadan: A Period for Maintaining the Family Ties

The month of Ramadan is indeed a special period when the fast-observers are enjoined to preserve and avoid any actions that may threaten or sever the sacred bond of relationships between them and their family members.  In accordance with several Hadiths from the noble Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.a) and his pure household (a.s), it is established that maintaining and upholding kinship with relatives has various advantages in this world and the Hereafter, while severing ties with them has several serious negative consequences in both worlds.

In light of this, therefore, we should always endeavour to do everything possible (under Islamic jurisdiction) to strengthen the sacred bond between us and our relatives and avoid any act that may weaken or threaten it.

Lesson Eleven: Ramadan; A month of sacrifice and services to humanity

The month of Ramadan is a month of selfless service and sacrifice. A period when the believers voluntarily show a sense of commitment and service to other fellow human beings.

Generally, it is observed that during the month of Ramadan, people used to sacrifice so many things and render several selfless services to others in honour of this holy month and out of hope for rewards from Allah.

However, rendering relentless services to other fellow creatures and more particularly, to members of a household is a continuous task, which should not be restricted to the month of Ramadan. Therefore, let the heads of the family, based on their financial capabilities make provisions for their families at all times. Likewise, the women of the house should endeavour to make a series of sacrifices in the family, as this cannot go unrewarded.

Lesson Twelve: Ramadan and the Unity of the Muslims

The month of Ramadan is a period when fasting is made compulsory for every believer, irrespective of their colour or geographical location. In other words, the commencement or termination of the Ramadan fast in the same month among Muslims throughout the world is aimed at unifying the Muslim community.

Besides, several group activities during the holy month of Ramadan such as congregational ritual prayers (during its days and nights); Qur’anic recitation; group supplications; organization of lectures/classes; joint Iftar or Sahur arrangements; implementation of joint community projects; payment of Zakat al-Fitr and prayer of Eid al-Fitr on the Eid day are aimed at strengthening the relationship between the Muslims and unifying the Muslim community.

At present, the Muslims; irrespective of their denominations are in dire need more than ever to unite and tolerate one another. They should endeavour to put their fate in their own hands and cut off the interference of any foreigners. Similarly, they should be careful of the plans of their die-hard enemies and avoid being used as a destructive tool in the hands of the enemies.

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