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Hamzah; The Protecter of Islam and The Prophet

Hamzah; The Protecter of Islam and The Prophet



The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUHH) had an uncle named Hamzah. He was one of the bravest fighters in the Arabia peninsula. He was one of the most important protectors of the Prophet among Quraysh infidels who annoyed the Prophet (PBUHH). He was martyred in the battle of Uhud by the slave of  Hind; the wife of Abu-Sufyan.

The Present work aims to give a brief introduction to Hamzah and how he protected the Holy Prophet (PBUHH) in his Divine Mission.


His complete name was Hamzah ibn Abdul-Muttalib. His Kunyah was Abu Umarah and titled Sayyed al-Shuhadah (The Master of all Martyrs). His Father was Abdul-Muttalib and her mother name was Fatimah. He was born in 568 A.D. His brothers were Abdullah (the father of the Prophet), Abu Talib (the father of Imam Ali), Abu Lahab and Abbass. He was the uncle and foster brother to the Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUHH) for he was suckled and weaned by the same foster parents.

Hamzah was clearly destined to be a man of great mighty stature, endowed with great physical strength. He was already a good horseman, skilled with a sword and a good wrestler in all of Mecca. On one of his desert trips, Hamzah was awakened by a noise. Only to see a lion had entered his camp. No doubt drawn to the smell of the freshly killed gazzell. Alone and armed with only a javelin, he not only fought off the lion bravely but in the process, he killed the king of the beasts.

Which he later skinned the lion and threw it over his saddle and rode into Mecca triumphantly. When the people of Mecca saw the lion’s skin, they were greatly awed with admiration and love that from that day on, he was warmly known as the ‘Lion of the desert’. His enemies grew to fear him, even on the mention of his name, he was held in great respect.

Hamzah and Abu Jahal

Abu Jahal was the most spiteful of all the leaders of Quraysh and the most aggressive enemy to the holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUHH) and Islam. One day, when the Prophet (PBUHH) was sitting outside the Mosque near the Safa Gate, he (PBUHH) was alone at this hallowed place when Abu Jahal came. Here was an opportunity for the Makhziimite to show that he at least was not overawed; and standing in front of the Prophet (PBUHH), he proceeded to revile him with all the abuse he could muster.

The Prophet (PBUHH) merely looked at him, but spoke no word and finally Abu Jahal having heaped upon him the worst insults he could think of, he entered the Mosque to join those of Quraysh who were assembled in the Hijr. The Prophet (PBUHH) in overwhelming sadness slowly rose to his feet and returned silently to his home.

Hamzah enteres Mecca

Scarcely Muhammad (PBUHH) had gone when his uncle Hamzah came in sight from the opposite direction on his way from a long chase, with his bow slung over his shoulder. The friends of Abu-Jahal, who were at the Sanctuary square saw Hamzah and feared the consequence of him hearing of what Abu-Jahal had done against the Prophet (PBUHH). So, they all cried out nervously announcing that this formidable Arabian horseman was indeed approaching Mecca, and they sent someone to warn Abu-Jahal. “Hamzah, here comes Hamzah!”

With a mixture of joy and apprehension, the rest of the people ran out happy to greet him as he approached the Holy Kaaba on his magnificent Arab stallion. It was his custom, whenever Hamzah came back from hunting, he would do honor and homage to the Holy House before he joined his family. Seeing him approach, a woman came out of her house near the Safa Gate and addressed him. She was a freed woman of the household of the now dead Abd-Allah Ibn Jud’an of Taym, and she herself, being well disposed to The Prophet (PBUHH) and his religion of Islam, had been outraged by Abu-Jahal’s insults, every word of which she had overheard.

“Abu Umarah, if only thou hadst seen how Muhammad, thy brother’s son, was treated even now by Abul-Hakam, the son of Hisham. He found him sitting here, and most odiously reviled him and abused him. Then he left him.” She pointed towards the Mosque to indicate where he had gone “And Muhammad answered not a word.”

Hamzah was of a quiet friendly nature and had an easy disposition. He was the most stalwart man of Quraysh, and when roused, he was the most formidable and the most unyielding. His very tall frame now shook with anger. Such as he had never felt, and his anger set free something in his soul, and brought to completion an already formed resolve, that no one had seen from him before that day.

Hamzah confronts Abu Jahal

Striding into the Mosque, he made straight for the seated Abu Jahal and standing over him, he raised his bow and brought it down with all his force on his face. Knocking the wicked man senseless over onto his back on the ground. Again and again he whipped the wretched man on his body with his bow, until his angre subsided. When finally he stopped and still standing over the crouched enemy of God at his feet, he said. “Wilt thou insult him, now that I am of his Religion, and now that I vouch what he vouched? I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger! Strike me then, blow for blow, if thou canst.”

The humiliated Abu Jahal recovered his senses and cowered before the Lion of the desert still standing menacingly over him. So when some of the Makhzumites tribesmen present rose to their feet as if to help him (Abu-Jahl), but he quickly motioned them to remain seated. Then still crouched on the ground at the Arabian warrior’s feet, not daring to look up into Hamzah’s striking eyes. Instead the miserable coward humbly said: “Let Abu Umarah be! For by God, I did so reviled his brother’s son with a right ugly reviling.”

There was a deafening silence as Hamzah stood menacingly before all the leaders of Quraysh starring with contempt at each one of them coldly in the eye. Inviting anyone who dared to fight him. But, each man slowly retreated and sat back in their seat in the Mosque. And, when all were seated, Hamza kicked some dust of the sandy floor into their faces and strolled out casually with his bow in hand.

Abu-Sufayan the most influential of all the leaders of Quraysh seated remarked. “Muhammad now has a powerful ally, who everyone fears just by reputation!” From that day on, Hamzah faithfully maintained his Islam and followed all the Prophet’s behests. So, Abu-Sufayan conversion failed to have its effect upon Quraysh as a whole. Who were now more hesitant to harass The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUHH) so directly, knowing fully well that Hamzah, ‘the Lion of the Desert’ would not lie still and certainly would protect him vigorously.

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