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Etiquette of fasting in the holy month of Ramadan

Etiquette of fasting in the holy month of Ramadan



The month of Ramadan is the month of superabundant blessings, countless favours and forgiveness. It is a period when divine bounties are received based on the capacity of the believers. The month of Ramadan is like an ocean in which everyone gets water from it in accordance with the capacity of his container. In light of this, for us to maximize the immense benefits in the month of Ramadan, the following are some recommended etiquette:

1. Qur’anic recitation and contemplation on its meanings: Apart from fasting which is an obligatory act in this month, recitation of the glorious Qur’an and reflection on its meaning are among the highly recommended act in this holy month. According to verse 185 of Qur’an 2 (Surah al-Baqarah), the month of Ramadan is the month in which the Qur’an was revealed to the noble Prophet of Allah on the Night of Majesty (Laylat al-Qadr). Therefore, one of the things that give value to the month of Ramadan was the revelation of the Qur’an therein. In one of the Prophetic sayings in this regard, he (PBUHH) said: “Everything has a spring and the spring of the Qur’an is the month of Ramadan.” That is to say, the best period to benefit immensely from the Qur’an and to earn superabundant rewards for its recitation is the month of Ramadan. For the reward of reciting a single verse in the month of Ramadan is equivalent to the reward of reciting the entire Qur’an in other months.

2. Seeking forgiveness of Allah: Naturally, human beings are liable to sins and mistakes, but the best among them is the one who returns to Allah in repentance. For Almighty Allah is the Lord of mercy and He loves those who return to Him sincerely and those who seek His forgiveness. The month of Ramadan is a period of returning to Allah in repentance for our sins and mistakes. Let us feel remorse over our past sins and be determined to forsake them. He is indeed ready to forgive and bless us abundantly. Therefore, it is highly recommended to make use of the days and nights throughout the month to seek the forgiveness of Almighty Allah.

3. Supplications and Invocations: By nature, every creature is dependent on Creator for everything but He on the contrary is independent of all. Out of His mercy and benevolence, He bestows his blessings and bounties on His creatures. Supplication (Du’a) or an act of invoking Allah for the fulfilment of one’s needs is one of the highly prescribed acts in Islam. And one who does not beseech Him is considered arrogant and shall be punished. The holy month of Ramadan, particularly after the daily ritual prayer is the best period to call upon Allah in this month. Therefore, for the fulfilment of one’s legitimate needs, let’s take advantage of this holy month to supplicate and invoke Allah, the Almighty. For He is always ready to answer and respond positively to our requests.

4. Observation of late-night prayers: Another unique act in the holy month of Ramadan is the observation of supererogatory prayers (Nawafil) in its days and nights. Late-night prayer -based on numerous reliable reports- is one of the attributes of the special servants of Allah and it is an avenue through which they secretly interact and gain proximity to their Lord. Indeed, one who really wants to gain proximity to Allah and attain a special position before Him must include late-night prayer in his daily routine. It is therefore necessary to inculcate the habit of observing this supererogatory prayer before the Fajr (Dawn) prayer even if it is just two units (Rak’ah).

5. Benediction and salutation upon the Prophet: According to a clear Qur’anic directive, the believers are enjoined to invoke benediction (Salawāt) and salutation (Salām) upon the noble Prophet of Allah and his pure Household. Although, this act is not restricted to the month of Ramadan or any other month, rather, it is a regular and continuous action. This act provides an opportunity to gain proximity to Allah and His beloved Prophet. Thus, in the holy month of Ramadan, one of the highly rewarding acts of worship which are recommended is the act of invoking benediction (Salawāt) and salutation (Salām) upon the noble souls of Prophet Muhammad and his purified Household (Ahl al-Bayt) as much as possible.

6. Kindness and Generosity: Allah is the most merciful and generous Being Who displays the peak of His kindness in the holy month of Ramadan. According to a narration, fasting in the month of Ramadan is made obligatory so that the wealthy ones could feel the pain of hunger and be able to help the poor. It is therefore necessary to reciprocate the superabundant bounties we received this month by showing kindness to others. In light of this, every well-to-do individual -based on his financial capability- should assist the poor members of society in the holy month. We should be kind to those around us so that the most Merciful Lord will be kind to us, too.

7. Spiritual retirement or I’tikāf: Iʿtikāf is a recommended worship in Islam that consists of at least three days of fasting in a masjid. Although there is no specific time to perform it during a year, but based on the Prophetic Sunnah (practice), it is usually performed on the last ten days of the month of Ramadan. This act of worship is aimed to attain proximity to Allah. Thus, one of the highly rewarding acts of worship which are recommended in the month of Ramadan, particularly in its last ten days is a spiritual retirement (I’tikāf) in the selected mosques.

8. Provision of Sahūr and Iftār Meals: Feeding the fast-observer is one of the highly rewarding acts in the month of Ramadan. According to the Prophetic sermon, one who feeds a believing fast-observer in this month will have a reward similar to that of freeing a slave and at the same time, he shall have all his past sins forgiven by Allah. In light of this, it is necessary in order to receive the superabundant rewards in this holy month to provide food (even as little as half of a date fruit) or drinks (even as little as a cup of water) to the believing fast-observers.

9. Assisting fast-observers: One of the acts that are highly recommended in the month of Ramadan is giving support to the fast-observers. According to the Prophet’s sermon, he (PBUHH) said that whoever eases the affairs of his subject, Allah will ease his accountability on the Day of Recompense. Therefore, we should endeavour to ease the affairs of the fast-observers in whatever way we can. For instance, it is expected that the employers of labour or the leaders be lenient and kind to their employees or subjects in this holy month of Ramadan.

10. Strengthen the family bonds: A family bond is a sacred bond in Islam which must be strengthened and one must avoid any activity that may threaten it. The month of Ramadan is the period in which it is highly recommended to strengthen the bond of relationship with his family, The Prophet (PBUHH) said in the sermon of Sha’baniyah that whoever preserves the family bond in the month of Ramadan, Allah will make attain His mercy on the Day of Resurrection, but whoever severe the family bond, Allah will cut him off from His mercy. Therefore, it is highly recommended that a believer strengthens this bond in whatever way possible.

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