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Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUHH)

Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUHH)



I shall discuss some issues about the companions in this article. For a follow up to this discussion, please see “Then I Was Guided” by Dr. Muhammad al-Tijani al- Samawi; Published in 1989 by the Fajr Establishment in London, Great Britain.

Shedding the blood of Innocents

Al-Bukhari narrated that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HF) said the following to his companions in his last speech:
Sahih al-Bukhari(1) Narrated Abu Bakr:
The Prophet said: “… Surely, you will meet your Lord, and He will ask you about your deeds. Beware! Do not become infidels after me by cutting the throats of one another. It is incumbent on those who are present to convey this message (of mine) to those who are absent. May be that some of those to whom it will be conveyed will understand it better than those who have actually heard it.”

On the other hand, the documented history confirms that some companions (some of whom were also promised paradise according to some fabricated traditions) shed the blood of thousands of Muslims in various civil wars. Good examples of them are Talha and Zubair who were the first companions who waged war against Ali (AS) after people paid oath to him as their legitimate Caliph. They could not see him in power, and found him a great obstacle for their robberies.

Thus shed the blood of 10 thousand Muslims in the battle of “Camel”, in order to overthrow Ali from power. (See any Sunni history books for details). Their plot was finally failed and both Talha and Zubair were killed. Muawiyah and Amr Ibn al-Auss are another examples, who waged the war of Siffin against Ali (AS) killing other thousands of Muslims. Allah states:
“And whoever kills a believer deliberately, his reward is Hell forever, and the Wrath of Allah is upon him, He cursed him and prepared a great punishment for him.” (2)

As such, is there any reason we should respect ALL of the companions and follow ALL of them, even those among them whom Allah cursed by the above verse of The Quran? Why should we love one whom Allah curses, and why should we follow one whom Allah has promised Hell forever?

Collecting Gold and Silver

al-Bukhari narrates the Prophet (PBUH&HF) said the following after the Battle of Uhud. Narrated ‘Uqba bin ‘Amir:
The Prophet went out and offered the funeral prayer for the martyrs of the (battle of) Uhud and then ascended the pulpit and said, “I am your predecessor and I am a witness against you. By Allah, I am now looking at my Tank-lake (Al-Kauthar) and I have been given the keys to the treasures of the earth (or the keys of the earth). By Allah! I am not afraid that you become a polytheist after me, but I am afraid that you will start competing (for the luxuries of this world). (3)

The tradition clearly indicates that after his (PBUH&HF) death, some of the companions will abandon the religion, and compete against one another for the wealth of this temporary existence. And they indeed competed until the swords were drawn and the wars were waged, thereby fulfilling the prophecy.

Some of the famous companions were eager to collect gold and silver. Great Sunni Historians like Mas’udi and Tabari and others stated that the wealth of Zubair on its own came out to 50,000 Dinars and 1000 horses with 1000 slaves and many holdings in Basrah, Kufah, Egypt, and many other places. This massive wealth was accumulated while many Muslims starved to death. (4)

The agricultural products from Iraq alone brought Talha 1000 Dinars EVERY DAY! And perhaps more than that. (5) Abdul Rahman Ibn Awf had 100 horses, 1000 camels, and 10,000 sheep. After his death, a quarter of his wealth which was divided among his wives came out to 84,000 Dinars. (6)

Uthman Ibn Affan left on the day of his death 150,000 Dinars, apart from an enormous wealth of land, cattle and villages. (7) Zayd Ibn Thabit left an amount of gold and silver that HAD TO BE BROKEN BY HAMMERS! Apart from money and agricultural holdings which came to 100,000 Dinars.(8)

These were just a few examples to show that some of the companions were more interested in the present life. Comparing the poverty of people at that time, one gets suspicious of how they got so much money from nothing while the rest of the people were in poverty. This gives a good idea of why they waged war against Ali (AS) to overthrow him from power. They found him a big obstacle for their misconduct of treasury and territories.

The question now is this: If these so-called pious companions were so busy collecting money and competing with one another for worldly gain, while many Muslims died from poverty, where then was that so-called piety and sense of sacrifice that the Sunnis attribute to them (the companions)? This is a sign for those who reflect!



1. Hadiths: 5.688 and 7.458

2. The Quran 4:93

3. Sahih al-Bukhari Hadith: 8.434

4. See Muruj al-Dahab by al-Masudi, v2, p341

5. Muruj al-Dahab by al-Masudi, the same page

6. Ibid.

7. Ibid.

8. Ibid.

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