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Fundamentals of modern Islamic civilization from the Qur'anic Viewpoint

Fundamentals of modern Islamic civilization from the Qur’anic Viewpoint



Islam, with its heavenly Book, the Holy Qur’an, emerged as a civilization-building religion in a region surrounded by great civilizations on all sides, and which itself was devoid of a glorious civilization; except in the southern part of the peninsula, namely Yemen. But the teachings of the Qur’an soon spread beyond the borders of the Arabian Peninsula, from Andalusia in the west to the borders of China in the east, and even challenged the two great empires of Persia and Rome.

Civilization can be described as an attempt by man to change his lifestyle and social and basic behaviour and to improve his current situation and needs. Therefore, Ayatollah Muhammad Taqi Jafari says: “Civilization is the harmonious formation of human beings in a reasonable life with just relations and the participation of all individuals and groups in society in order to advance the material and spiritual goals of human beings in all positive dimensions”.

The reason for grasping the Qur’an

One of the main beliefs of the Muslims is that the Holy Qur’an is undoubtedly a Book of guidance and has enlightening verses that make man insightful and aware because the Qur’an is the word of a Creator Who is aware of all aspects of His creation. Therefore, according to research, human beings will have supreme civilization, if they follow the teachings of this unique Creator, that is, the commands of the Qur’an. God says in the Qur’an:

“Certainly there has come to you a light from Allah and a manifest Book” (Al-Ma’idah (5): 15).

This verse addresses the People of the Book and invites them to Islam and the Qur’an; a Book whose religion is free from any superstitions and perversions and away from any kind of deviation, and it is the only Heavenly Book that seeks the light of insight, awareness, and genuine civilization. For this reason, it is stated in another verse: “Indeed this Quran guides to what is most upright” (Al-Isra (17): 9).

Fundamentals of Islamic Civilization in the Quran

Based on a brief look at verses of the Qur’an about different ethnic groups and different periods of human life in the past or verses that independently express the principles and way of life of human beings, we can easily deduce the view of this divine Book from God’s praise and criticism of the past. In the field of the foundations of the establishment of a correct and religious civilization received. Some of the most important of these principles are:

1. Interact in coexistence with others

One of the basic principles of Islam is to call for tolerance and gentleness with others (except a vicious enemy). This principle would be more visible in dealing with subordinates and the defeated, in order to influence them and change them; as the Prophet (PBUHH) after the surrender of the infidels, ignored their past and sometimes even gave them responsibility; like the forgiving of the infidels of Mecca after they converted to Islam.

Moreover, his majesty made their head’s house, Abu Sufyan, a safe place. His flexibility during the 23 years of his mission to achieve the lofty divine goals is a good example for Muslims and all humans. Of course, it should not be forgotten that the Prophet, as much as he was the mercy to all the worlds, defended the centre of religion with all his might and intensity when it was under attack.

1-1. Humanitarianism in the Qur’an

In general, Islam has considered simplicity from two perspectives:

  • Islam itself is easy religion, and in the Shari’a of Islam, there are no burdensome and arduous duties: “It has not laid upon you in religion any hardship” (Al-Hajj (22): 78).
  • Muslims, relying on the Qur’anic thought, did not force anyone to convert to Islam, but considered it ugly. In the conquered areas, they gave the infidels and followers of other religions the opportunity to choose Islam with full discretion and sufficient knowledge “There is no compulsion in religion” (Al-Baqarah (2): 256).

According to the principles of Islamic religion and civilization, followers of other religions can retain their former religion by paying jizyah. This group, called the Ahl al-Dhimma, was allowed to perform their religious rites and ceremonies in the territory of the Muslims with complete freedom and security; In addition, all their temples and religious sites had to be respected by the Islamic community. The Dhimmis not only enjoyed Islamic freedoms, but also the kindness, vision, and humanity of Muslims. Those who in the initial encounter with Islam preferred Jizyah to the acceptance of Islam, after becoming acquainted with the pleasant principles of the Qur’an, gradually became attracted to this religion; in such a way that in the second century AH, except for a minority, the general public converted to the new religion (Islam).

1-2. The purpose of simplicity in Islam

Undoubtedly, in the atmosphere of patience, the exchange of views, which is one of the factors of the creation and growth of civilization, can be improved. Accordingly, the Qur’an, in dealing with dissenting opinions, calls on Muslims to exercise restraint in order to choose the best possible thought in the light of it: “Therefore give good news to My servants, those who listen to the word, then follow the best of it” (Az-Zumar(39): 18).

Therefore, God Almighty considers the person of the Prophet (PBUH) as an excellent example of open-mindedness and tolerance of dissenting opinions; In a way that was rebuked by some ignorant people; As they used to say to his majesty: “He is an ear.” And the Qur’an responds: “Say, ‘An ear that is good for you.”

1-3. The results of Islamic simplicity

Islam and the Qur’an were presented to humanity as a way to achieve a desirable society at a time when the world was captivated by religious and ethnic prejudices. The two great religions of Christianity and Zoroastrianism, immersed in these prejudices, led the two societies of Rome and Iran respectively to a certain decline. A simple and unpretentious Book, full of kindly and peaceful messages, led people to the emotional realm and, with open-mindedness and away from ethnic and tribal prejudices, with effective tools of tolerance with the People of the Book, gathered everyone under one banner and led them to a moderated society. He invited all the persecuted of the Byzantine court and Iranian scholars to the House of Islamic Wisdom. Arabs, non-Arabs, Christians, Zoroastrians, and Jews took refuge together and created scientific works with indescribable peace.

2. Good manners and ethics

In various verses of the Qur’an, God invites Muslims to observe Islamic customs and ethics and to engage in behaviours such as mutual respect, justice, considering each other as religious brothers, calling everyone a single nation, and all being under one moral and religion. For example, when people relied on kinship and racial issues in their relationships, the Qur’an pointed out a basic principle, which is that closeness to God is possible only by faith and following the moral and doctrinal traditions of the prophets: “Indeed the nearest of all people to Abraham are those who follow him” (Al Imran(3): 68). The purgation of the soul and acquisition of good morality is so important that God Almighty has determined it as the greatest goal of the Prophet of Islam (PBUHH) and mentions it before teaching: “to purify them and to teach them the Book and wisdom” (Al Imran(3): 164).

2-1. The place of ethics in Qur’anic civilization 

In Qur’anic stories and religious teachings, the main issue emphasized by the Prophets in different periods of human history for the creation of religious civilizations is the observance of moral principles. This shows that, firstly, the foundation of a monotheistic civilization is nothing but the observance of ethics in communication and social interactions; Secondly, some moral vices, such as social corruption, seeking luxuries, authoritarianism and tyranny, cruelty and hardness of heart, worldliness, coercion, etc. Selfishness plays a direct role in the collapse of civilization. In order to confirm the importance of morality in civilization, there is a piece of confidential evidence:

One of the factors that caused the Muslim civilization to decline over the years and lose that initial glory was the non-observance of moral issues. A clear example is the decline of Muslim civilization in Andalusia or present-day Spain.

2-2. Equality

One of the most important Islamic customs and ethics is to observe the principle of equality because, in Islamic society, everyone enjoys the same rights and is in the same line with each other. The clear manifestation of this issue is reflected here that the rich and the poor, the slaves and the free, and whoever obeys the religion of Muhammad (peace be upon him) praises his God in one line: “Believers are indeed brothers.” (Al-Hujuraat (49): 10). The breakdown of class barriers and social liberties soon had an impact on the closed society of the time. With the reduction of undue social discrimination and class tyranny, a dramatic change appeared in the social atmosphere. The monopoly of certain groups on the acquisition of science and knowledge was ended and a great revolution took place in this field. Women, who previously had the lowest social rights, enjoyed a high status. Anyone could enter any job they wanted, depending on their talent. And even the propagation of the religion was not the monopoly of anyone and anyone could invite others to Islam at any time and place.

3. Social Security

Social security in terms of meaning and concept has wide dimensions and horizons that cover all the small and large issues of individual and group life of human beings and is pervasive in all areas of development. Hence, the need for social security is obvious to any individual or school. Security is necessary for the creation and expansion of civilization. So, in one of the most famous verses of the Qur’an, the subject of “security” is mentioned. A verse that contains the praying of the great prophet of God, Prophet Ibrahim (PBUHH), for the land and people of Mecca: “And when Abraham said: ‘My Lord, make this country safe” (Ibrahim (14), 35). In his prayer, he considers the most basic needs of society and asks for security before any other request, and this is a reference to the fact that not only a healthy economy, but in principle, decent human life is impossible without security, and If a place is not safe, it cannot be inhabited; even though all the blessings of the world are in it. And basically, a city, a country that lacks the blessing of security will lose other blessings as well!

4. Immortality and universality of Islam

Since Islam is the most complete and last religion, its Qur’anic teachings are in a way that can depict and guarantee the individual and social felicity of human beings all over the world with different languages, races, tastes, and tendencies, at all times. In fact, Prophet Mohammad (PBUHH) was the universal messenger; hence, the culture and civilization of his religion are also universal. The reasons for this can be mentioned, among which is:

There is a lot of historical evidence that the Prophet (PBUHH) wrote letters to the leaders of countries such as Iran, Rome, Egypt, Abyssinia, Levant, as well as the heads of various tribes and called them to Islam. Obviously, if the religion of Islam and its holy book, the Qur’an, were not public and universal, such a public invitation would not have taken place, and other nations would have had an excuse not to accept it.

5. Science and Knowledge

One of the most important components that have had a great impact on the formation and growing movement of the Qur’anic civilization is the scientific movement of the Islamic world, which was invited by the word of God; In this way, it leads people to teaching and learning and repeatedly asks people to think about the state of the universe and the mysteries of the verses. The logic of the Qur’an about science is such that it cannot be assigned. The Qur’an considers knowledge as light and ignorance as darkness and says: Light is absolutely preferable to darkness. The Qur’an explicitly suggests issues as the subject of study and reflection in them. These are the same topics that are the result of studying the same natural sciences, mathematics, biology, history, etc. that we see in the world today. The Qur’an is a Book that was first revealed when it began its speech with “reading”, “knowledge” and “writing”:

“Read in the name of your Lord Who created,

He created the human from a (blood) clot,

Read! Your Lord is the Most Generous,

Who taught by the pen,

Taught the human what he did not know,” (Al-Alaq (96): 1-5)

6. Rationalism (acting according to thought and reason)

Man is a creature with an idea whose happiness and loss depend on the application of his ideas. Hence, according to the Qur’an, one of the most important principles in the foundations of civilization is rationalism or action in terms of thought and reason; in a way that Islam never imposes its views on the people. Thus, it is the duty of the believers to explain the truth of the religion with logic and reasoning: “Call to the Path of your Lord with wisdom and fine admonition. Dispute with them in the best manner” (An-Nahl(16): 125). In various verses, the Qur’an warns people against following suspicion, blind imitation, and sensual desires, and considers the following of the knowledge, certainty, and argument reasonable. And all these things cannot be achieved without thought.


By Benyamin Hamrahi

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