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Christian Zionist Messianism: How It Views Islam and Muslims (1)

Christian Zionist Messianism: How It Views Islam and Muslims (1)



Represented by literally hundreds of small denominations and churches today, particularly in America, evangelical Christian Zionist Messianism is today a formidable force and a major actor in global politics. It exercises enormous clout in the Bush administration in America. George Bush, too, himself can be characterized as an arch-upholder of this ideology, and his policies in the Middle East and elsewhere clearly reflect or tally with the Christian Zionist messianic agenda.

Firmly supportive of Zionism, Israel and Israeli expansionism, Christian Zionist Messianism is today one of the principal fountainheads of Islamophobia on the global scene. This paper provides a general overview of the ideology of Christian Zionist messianism, focusing, in particular, on the way Islam and Muslims are depicted as an integral part of the role of the antagonistic order of this ideology.

It shows how Christian Zionist Messianic expectations generate enormously destructive imperialistic and militaristic tendencies that threaten to drown the world in an unprecedented global war, with Muslims being projected as the principal enemy.

The implications of this dangerous ideology, a combination of centuries of white racism and Islamophobia, Zionist claims to supremacy and aims at global domination and the machinations of the present global capitalistic order, for Muslims, and for the world at large, are then sought to be outlined.

This it does by looking specifically at the writings and activities of one of the leading American Christian Zionist ideologues of today, John Hagee, senior pastor of the Cornerstone Church in San Antonia in Texas, in America’s notorious Bible-belt, which is also the bastion of white racism and supremacy in America.


Approximately a tenth of the American population is today a devoted member of the cult of Christian Zionist messianism, writes the noted scholar-activist Dan Cohn-Sherbrook, himself a Jew and Professor of Judaism at the University of Wales in a recently published book, The Politics of Apocalypse The History and Influence of Christian Zionism.

‘It is the fastest growing religious movement in Christianity today, he writes. Many followers of the cult are from the middle and upper-middle classes, followers of televangelists who wield enormous political and economic clout.

Christian Zionist Messianism is impelled by an imperialistic vision, of Jesus’ impending arrival on earth as the Messiah, when he shall, so they believe, wipe out all his enemies (all non-Christians, presumably) and establish his global dominion, with his capital at Jerusalem.

Meanwhile, Christian Zionists believe that they, as allegedly God’s chosen people, will be spared the horrors of the global war that shall precede Jesus’ advent, and will be miraculously wafted up to heaven, where they shall watch the final destruction of the world.

Christian Zionists believe that Jesus can only return to the world once the Jews colonize Palestine. This belief is based on the contentious claim that God had granted this land to the progeny of Abraham, through Isaac, that is the Jews, for eternity.

This land is not restricted to the present borders of the state of Israel. Instead, Zionists, both Jewish and Christian, believe that a vast swathe of land, stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates, today inhabited by millions of Arab Muslims and Christians, belongs rightfully to the Jews, and so must be ethnically ‘cleansed’ of non-Jewish presence. Hence the justification they offer for their genocidal project aimed at the Arabs.

Hence, too, their consistent backing of Israel, their generous funding of Jewish settlements in Palestine, and their enormous pressure on successive American governments to adopt rigorously pro-Israel and anti-Palestinian policies.

Cohn-Sherbrook traces the origins of Christian Zionism to the changing attitude of Christian groups towards the Jews following the Protestant Revolution. The early Catholic Church justified the witch-hunt of the Jews, labelling them as alleged Christ-killers.

However, numerous Protestant sects, while equally vehemently anti-Jewish, believed that the Jews needed to colonize Palestine before Jesus would re-appear in the world to save it. This was, and still is, by no means a generous acceptance of the Jews. Rather, they believed, as Christian Zionists today do, that only those Jews who accepted Jesus as the Messiah would be saved.

The rest would ally themselves with the Anti-Christ and would be defeated by Jesus and his forces and, consequently, would be sent off to eternal damnation in the fires of hell. From the seventeenth century onwards, Cohn-Sherbrook shows, numerous European, and, later American, Protestant churches began evolving schemes to settle the Jews in Palestine.

This was also seen as a convenient way of getting rid of the Jewish presence in Europe. They petitioned various European powers to back this scheme.

By the early nineteenth century, numerous British administrators had been won round to this idea, impelled, no doubt, also by a motive to undermine the Ottoman Empire, which at that time controlled Palestine, and by a deep-rooted aversion to Islam.

Increasingly, Christian Zionists began to join hands with secular Jewish Zionists, whose plans to settling Jews in Israel had nothing to do with any messianic hopes, but, rather, arose as a response to the centuries-old persecution of Jews by European Christians.

In contrast, Cohn-Sherbook rightly notes, In Arab lands, Jews had flourished for centuries [while] in European countries Jewry had been subject to oppression and persecution. Ties between secular Jewish Zionists and Christian Zionists to pursue the common project of Jewish colonization of Palestine were strengthened by the support given to Theodore Herzl (1) the Hungarian Jew who is regarded as the father of modern-day Zionism.

Cohn-Sherbook traces in considerable detail the course of this close collaboration down to the present day, describing the strong political and financial links between Christian and Israeli/Jewish Zionists and also the enormous clout of the Zionist lobby in American political circles.

Christian Zionism, based on a virulently anti-Islamic agenda, is a major hurdle to peace not just in West Asia but globally, too. Indeed, some Christian Zionists even ardently wish (and work for) a final global war or Armageddon, in the belief that this would accelerate their hoped-for wafting up to heaven and the subsequent arrival of Jesus.

Christian Zionist messianism is a call for global war. The belief that Christianity is the sole truth, that all other faiths are Satanic or false, that the Jews must all gather in Palestine to fulfil the so-called Biblical prophecies, and that a grand global war will soon erupt leading to the massacre of hundreds of millions and heralding the second coming of Jesus, who will establish his Christian kingdom extending till the four corners of the world, clearly indicate the hate-driven, global expansionist project of Christian Zionism.

In his remarkable book, The Cross and the Crescent:

The Rise of American Evangelism and the Future of Muslims, Muhammad Arif Zakaullah brings out in considerable detail how Christian Zionist messianists have specifically framed and targeted Muslims as allegedly being in league with the Anti-Christ and against whom Jesus and the Christians must fight in a bloody war of unprecedented dimensions in the last days.

This explains, Zakaullah writes about their unstinting support for Israel and its brutal suppression of the Palestinians, and their fervent backing of America’s invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan and its so-called war on terror.

Zakaullah quotes several leading American Christian messianic evangelists as describing Islam and Muslims in lurid colours and branding it as irredeemably anti-Christian. Not surprisingly, he writes, they have been among the most fierce backers of America’s imperialist misadventures that many Muslims see as directed against them.

American imperialism is thus sought to be given a suitable Christian sanction and is presented as working to usher in Jesus’s triumphant return to the world.

War and bloodshed on an unimaginable scale, mainly against Muslims, and not peace and reconciliation, American Christian fundamentalists seem to believe, will herald the eventual establishment of the Kingdom of God, the rule of supposedly pious Christians all over the globe.

John Hagee: Ideologue of Christian Zionist Messianic Imperialism and Advocate Of Cosmic War Against Islam and Muslims.

John Hagee is today recognized the world over as one of the leading ideologues of contemporary Christian Zionist messianism. He is the founder and pastor of the Cornerstone Church, in Texas, USA, which claims some 18,000 active members.

As with numerous other similar American Christian fundamentalist preachers, his church is richly endowed and media savvy. Hagee is the president of the Global Evangelism media company that broadcasts his daily programs on television and radio throughout the USA and around the world.

He is the author of numerous books on Christian Zionism, some of which have been reprinted by Christian fundamentalist publishers abroad as well. Final Dawn Over Jerusalem is one of Hagee’s major writings on Christian Zionism that well exemplifies the imperialist agenda that lies at its very core.

The aim of the book is to defend the Israeli occupation of Palestine, denounce those who seek to protest Israeli atrocities, and advocate the cause of Greater Israel, all this in the name of Christianity and premised on the notion of the Jews as being allegedly God’s Chosen People.

Racism is integral to the Christian Zionist message, as Hagee makes amply clear. The Bible, Hagee, says, describes the Jews as the apple of God’s eye. (1) He quotes the Bible as addressing the Jews and declaring, For you are a holy people to the LORD your God and the LORD has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples who are on the face of the earth. (2)

This means, so Hagee argues, that those who harm the Jews or the state of Israel or stand in the way of the design of Greater Israel will experience the instant wrath of God. To those who dare to challenge the oppressive Zionist state, Hagee announces, the man or nation that lifts a voice or hand against Israel invites the wrath of God. Such people will, Hagee insists, be cursed by God.

Hagee’s notion of God thus appears to be that of a tribal Jewish deity, who functions as a willing tool in the pursuit of Jewish expansionism. The Bible was written by Jewish hands, and given that, as many liberal Christians would themselves concede, much of it is a human product, numerous Biblical verses were written in order to legitimize the interests of the community from which its writers were drawn.

This would seem obvious to any discerning layman, but Biblical literalists like Hagee vehemently disagree. For them, every word of the Bible is sacrosanct and divine. Biblical literalism is pressed into the service of the Christian Zionist messianic imperialist and racist agenda.

Drawing upon numerous verses of the Bible, Hagee argues, God watches over Israel as a protective parent hovers over an only child. The nation of Israel, he makes so bold as to declare, was created by a sovereign act of God. All other nations were created by an act of war or a declaration of men, but Israel was intentionally created by God so that He would have a physical place of inheritance on the earth.

Accordingly, Hagee would have us believe that for this god, who is seen as in need of a physical place for himself, non-Jews or Gentiles, are second-rate human beings or less, and so can easily be dispensed with if they are seen as coming in the way of Jewish imperialism.

The tribal Jewish version of God that Hagee presents appears entirely unjust and arbitrary, far from being impartial in the way he deals with His creation.

Given the fact that the God of the Biblical literalist imagination is a Jewish deity and not the universal God who looks upon His entire creation impartially, he is seen as blessing Jewish conquests of territories of their enemies.

Thus, quoting the Bible, Hagee writes that God gave the land of Greater Israel, a vast swathe of land stretching from Egypt all the way till Iraq, to the Jews, descendants of Isaac, forever.

Continued in the next article:  http://Christian Zionist Messianism: How It Views Islam and Muslims 2



  1. b.1860
  2. Zech 2:8

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