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The Elderly from the Perspective of Islam

The Elderly from the Perspective of Islam



In Islam, the elderly people are regarded with great respect and dignity. The care and respect for the elderly are deeply embedded in Islamic teachings, which emphasize compassion, dignity, and social responsibility. The Qur’an and Hadith provide numerous references that underscore the importance of caring for the elderly, reflecting the broader Islamic values of compassion, mercy, and social justice. The elderly people are seen as a source of wisdom and experience, and their well-being is considered a communal responsibility. This research paper aims to explore the various dimensions of elderly care from an Islamic perspective, highlighting the theological, moral, and practical aspects that guide Muslim communities in their treatment of the elderly.

Status of the Elderly in Islam

Islam has given the elderly a special status, as there are several texts in the Qur’an and the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad and his pure Household (peace be upon them) which enjoin Muslims to respect and honour them. In addition, an elderly person also has a high status before Allah, the Almighty and His noble Prophet particularly if he is a believer. Honoring them is synonymous with honoring Allah and His Prophet. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his household) was reported to have said: “Honour the elderly because honoring them is part of honoring Allah[1].”

In verse 54 of Qur’an 30 [Surah Rum], Allah emphasizes the natural process of ageing: “It is Allah who created you from [a state of] weakness, then He gave you power after weakness. Then, after power, He ordained weakness and old age: He creates whatever He wishes, and He is the All-knowing, the All-powerful.”

Likewise, verse 68 of Qur’an 36 [Surah Yasin] indicates that the inception of old age is a period of decline in human beings; partly from physical and partly from psychological factors:  “And whomever We give a long life, We cause him to regress in creation. Then, will they not exercise their reason?”

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his household) while explaining the noble status of an elderly person said: “The elderly among his family is like a Prophet among his community[2].”

It is on this basis that Islam enjoins a Muslim to honour and respect the elderly citizens and the one who does not do so is indeed not a Muslim: “He is not one of us who does not have mercy upon our young, nor knows the honor of our elders[3].”

In addition, honoring those who have reached old age will guarantee protection against every calamity on the Day of Resurrection. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: “Whoever honors the grey hair due to old age, Allah will definitely save him from the panic of the Day of Judgment.[4]

Imam Sajjad (PBUH) while expounding on the rights of the elderly in his book, ‘Treatise on Rights’ said: The right of him who is older than you is that you show reverence toward him because of his age and you honour him because he entered Islam before you. You leave off confronting him in a dispute, you do not precede him in a path, you do not go ahead of him, and you do not consider him foolish. If he should act foolishly toward you, you put up with him and you honour him because of the right of Islam and the respect due to it[5].

These verses, along with numerous Hadiths, emphasize the natural process of ageing and the need for a Muslim to care for and honor those at this critical stage of life, as they are like a Prophet in a family and a blessing in society. This emphasis indicates that caring for the elderly is not only a social duty but also a form of worship and a means of attaining divine reward.

On the other hand, it is pertinent to mention that Islamic ethics provide a framework for interactions with the elderly, focusing on certain principles.  These principles are not only theoretical but are meant to be actively practiced in daily life, influencing how Muslims interact with and care for the elderly. These include:

– Compassion: Showing kindness and understanding towards the elderly, recognizing their vulnerabilities and needs.

– Justice: Ensuring that the elderly people are treated fairly and their rights are upheld.

– Respect: Honoring the elderly for their age and experience, and valuing their contributions to society.

– Gratitude: Being thankful for the guidance and wisdom provided by the elderly, and expressing this gratitude through respectful behavior.

Rights of the Elderly in Islam

Islam places a high value on the dignity and well-being of the elderly, granting them specific rights. By recognizing and upholding these rights, Islamic teachings aim to ensure that the elderly are treated with the respect, care, and dignity they deserve.  Here are some key rights of the elderly in Islam:

  1. Right to Respect and Honor

The elderly people are to be treated with utmost respect and honor. This is rooted in both the Qur’an and Hadith.

  1. Right to Care and Support

Islam mandates that the elderly should be cared for and supported, especially by their family members. This includes physical, emotional, and financial support. If the elderly do not have family, the responsibility falls on the community and society at large[6].

  1. Right to Dignity and Compassion

Elderly people have the right to be treated with dignity and compassion. This includes being spoken to kindly and being treated with gentleness and patience. The Qur’an and Hadith both stress the importance of compassion towards the elderly[7].

  1. Right to Social Inclusion

The elderly people have the right to be included in social activities and not be isolated. They should be given opportunities to participate in community life and be valued for their wisdom and experience[8].

  1. Right to Legal Protection

Islamic law (Sharia) provides legal protections for the elderly, ensuring their rights are upheld and they are not subjected to abuse or neglect. This includes the right to inheritance and the right to be cared for in their old age[9].

  1. Right to Healthcare

The elderly people have the right to access healthcare and medical treatment. This is part of the broader Islamic principle of preserving life and ensuring the well-being of all individuals, regardless of age[10].

Elderly Care Practices

Elderly care practices in Islam are deeply rooted in the principles of compassion, respect, and social responsibility. These practices are designed to ensure that elderly people are treated with dignity and receive the support they need from their families and communities.

  1. Family-Centered Care: In many Muslim communities, the family is the primary caregiver for the elderly. This includes providing daily care, and emotional support, and ensuring their well-being. The extended family structure often includes multiple generations living together, which facilitates the care of elderly family members.
  2. Community Support: The community plays a significant role in supporting the elderly. This can include visiting the elderly, providing meals, and assisting with daily tasks. In addition, mosques and community centers often organize programs and activities for the elderly, promoting social interaction and engagement.
  3. Governments and Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) Support: In many Muslim-majority countries, governments as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) provide social services aimed at supporting the elderly. These services can include financial assistance, housing support, and access to recreational activities. Programs designed to combat loneliness and social isolation among the elderly are also being developed.
  4. Religious and Spiritual Support: Religious practices, such as ritual prayer and recitation of the Qur’an, are integral to the lives of many elderly Muslims. Family members and community leaders often facilitate these practices. Spiritual counseling and guidance from religious scholars can provide comfort and support to the elderly.


The care and respect for the elderly hold a significant place and they are deeply embedded in Islamic teachings, viewing it as a fundamental aspect of a just and compassionate society. Islam emphasizes the importance of honoring and supporting the elderly, recognizing their wisdom, experience, and contributions to society. By examining the theological foundations, moral and ethical considerations, and practical aspects of elderly care in Islam, we gain a comprehensive understanding of how these principles are applied in Muslim societies. The role of family, the community and the government is paramount, ensuring that the elderly receive the support they need through intergenerational living, community engagement, and culturally sensitive care practices.

In Islam, respecting and caring for the elderly is considered a moral duty. This duty is rooted in the broader Islamic principles of compassion, social justice, respect and gratitude. The elderly people are to be treated with honor and dignity, recognizing their lifelong contributions and the wisdom they possess. Therefore, Muslims are enjoined to respect the elderly whether they are parents, relatives or any old person. This is because caring for the elderly is considered an important obligation through which one gets closeness to Allah.


[1]. Shaykh al-Hurr al-Amili, Wasail al-Shiah, Vol. 12, P. 100.

[2] . Muhammad Baqir Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 72, P. 137.

[3] . Abu `Isa Muhammad at-Tirmidhi, Jami` at-Tirmidhi 1920, Book 27, Hadith 26 (

[4] . Mirza Husayn Nuri, Mustadrak Wasail, Vol. 8, P. 391.

[5]. Imam Ali ibn Husain, Treaties on Rights, Right No. 44 (i.e., The right of the one older than you)

[6] . [About Islam] (

[7] . Qur’an 31:14.

[8] . [Dawat-e-Islami] (

[9] . [SpringerLink] (

[10] . [Islam Religion] (