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Who Was Imam Ali? (1)

Who Was Imam Ali? (1)




All human beings experience ups and downs and face different problems in life. The individuals, usually get weak and unable when facing a problem and try with the aid and guidance of the experts to save themselves from trouble. And by finding “examples” in any field, and then following them, perform their duties in the best way to solve their problems and relieve their pains. One of these examples is the honoured Prophet (A.S) whom the holy Quran has described (identified) as such. Other than the messenger of Allah (A.S), if we look for another example and replacement for his holiness we would find a great example as the (leader of the) pious his holiness Imam Ali (A.S). Morals and behaviour, to go through his holiness ups and downs, and amazements of life.

Manner of birth

His holiness Ali (A.S) is the first child in the family of Bani-Hashem whose both parents are children of Hashem. His father Abu-Taleb is the son of Abdul-Muttalib the son of Hashem bin Abd-Manaf and his mother is Fatima the daughter of Asad who is the son of Hashem bin Abd-Manaf. The Hashemi family in the tribe of Quraish is well-known (famous) for its moral virtues and high (supreme) humanistic characteristics among the Arab tribes.

Magnanimity, generosity, courage, and so many other virtues are characteristics of Bani-Hashem. Moreover, each of these virtues at its highest degree exists in his holiness Ali’s (A.S) existence. Fatima, the daughter of Asad went to the holy mosque when labour pain and came close to the wall of Kabaa and said: O Allah, I have firm faith in you, the prophets and the books sent by you and also the speech of my grandfather the builder of this house.

O Allah, in consideration of the respect of the one who built this house and for the sake of the child in my womb make the birth of this child easy. An instant later, in front of the eyes of Abbass bin Abdul-Muttalib and Yazeed bin Taaf, the southeast wall of Kabaa cracked and Fatima entered the Kabaa; the wall closed again.

She was the guest of Allah for three days in the holiest place in the universe and there she gave birth to her child. Three days after the thirteenth of Rajab, thirty years passed the year of the Elephant; Fatima, the daughter of Asad, came out of the same cleavage in the wall that opened again and said: I heard a message from the unseen to call him Ali.

Period of childhood

His holiness Ali stayed with his parents. Since it was Allah’s will for him to gain more perfection, therefore, the honoured prophet from the beginning of his birth took care of his indirect education.

Until an unseal famine occurred in Mecca. Abu-Talib the uncle of the prophet having many children faced a heavy living expense. The honoured prophet (S.A.W.A) with the consultation of his uncle Abbass, came to an agreement that each one of them takes one of the children of Abu-Talib with him as to make a relief for Abu-Talib. Therefore, Abbass took Jaffar and the Prophet (S.A.W.A) took Ali (A.S) to his house. In this way, his holiness Ali (A.S) was completely beside the Prophet (S.A.W.A) Ali (A.S) was always accompanying the prophet (S.A.W.A) even when the prophet (S.A.W.A) would leave to town and go to the mountain and desert.

Appointment of the prophet (S.A.W.A) and his holiness Ali (A.S)

There is no doubt that acceleration in good deeds is a kind of privileged virtue and (the exalted) Allah in several verses asked his salves to perform them and called them to compete with each other. One of the virtues of his holiness Ali (A.S) is that he is the first one to believe in the prophet (S.A.W.A). Ibn Abeel Al-Hadeed says related to this: Know that among the great, big and scholastic theologians of the Mutazilites there is no dispute that Ali bin Abee-Taleb is the first person to believe in Islam; and to support the messenger of Allah.

His holiness Ali (A.S) the first supporter of the honoured prophet (A.S)

After the revelation of Allah, the selection of his holiness the Prophet Mohammad (A.S) for prophethood and the three years of secret preaching, finally, the messenger of revelation arrived and the order for public preaching was given. At this juncture, his holiness Ali (A.S) was the only enforcer of the prophet’s (A.S) plans in his divine propagation; And was the only companion and sympathetic to his holiness in the invitation arranged to acquaint his relatives with Islam and to call them to the religion of Allah. In this invitation, the prophet (A.S) asked the people present: “who is among you to help me in this way so as to be my brother, successor and representative among you”. Only Ali (A.S) answered: “O Prophet of Allah, I will support you in this way”.

The Prophet (A.S) after three times repeating the question and hearing the same answer said: O my relatives; Know that Ali (A.S) is my brother, successor, and Caliph after me among you. Of the other glories of his holiness Ali (A.S) is his perfect courage in sleeping in the prophet’s (A.S) bed, therefore, nullifying the plot of the idol-worshipers to kill the prophet; And, furthermore, preparing the ground for the prophet’s (A.S) migration.

His holiness Ali (A.S) after the migration: After the migration of his holiness Ali (A.S) and the prophet (A.S) to Medina, we explain two examples of the virtues of Ali (A.S):

1. Self-sacrifice and endangering in the field of struggle His presence in 26 battles of the 27 battles of the prophet (A.S) and participation in different expeditions are of the glory and virtues of his holiness.

2. Registering (keeping) and writing the revelation [Quran]: Writing the revelation, organizing (arranging) many of the historical and political documents and writing propagation and invitation letters, both in Mecca and Medina. And for this reason, he is considered one of the writers of the revelation and memorizers of the Koran.

Continued in the next article: ( Who Was Imam Ali’s? (2) )

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