The Scientific and Cultural Website of Shia belief

Islam, Humanity and Human Values 2

Islam, Humanity and Human Values 2



In this part of the article titled “Islam, Humanity and Human Values”, we shall focus on other relevant issues such as the impact of faith in one God and the value of man in Islam.

Impact of Belief in One God

The basis of Islamic beliefs is to believe in one God who has the Most Beautiful names and noblest qualities; One who neither begets, nor was begotten. The belief in this core possesses several advantages:

Firstly, it frees the human being from full submission to (worshipping) any natural being or any human being of whatever position and rank, and this freedom saves him from being confined to any material limits.

Secondly, it results in mobilizing all human talents and power for one purpose and saves him from all that destroys his life and activities, such as polytheism, being spoiled, etc.

Thirdly, it leads a human being towards the infinite goal and carves a long and endless path for his ambitions in which he can progress from cradle to grave and even after death. Thus, death does not stop a human’s progress towards goals.

As mentioned in hadiths, the progress will continue with righteous children, compiling useful books and giving ongoing zakat. If one introduces a good practice to society and one or more people follow it after one’s death, he or she will become more complete and receive more rewards until the day of resurrection.

Fourthly, it will keep one away and safe from other people’s troubles and objections so that infinity and immateriality will direct his efforts, activities, and acts of giving.

Fifth, it will mobilize collective power in a competitive harmony and will prevent collective polytheism in order to prevent the society from division and thereby wasting the power of its members. It is stated in the Qur’an:

“…and do not be among the polytheists of those who split up their religion and became sects…” (1)

Sixth, the meaning of “He neither begat, nor was begotten” (2) will eliminate the effect of personal elements and relations from the human value-setting system, because people are equal like a comb’s teeth. Everyone only possesses through his own efforts and no one else’s.

The above-mentioned points prove the effect of belief in the resurrection and in God’s justice, on people’s thinking and views, regardless of whether the person is good or bad, and to whatever extent his goodness or badness is.

Moreover, the effect of faith on these elements in knowing human values reflects the following points:

First, the great position of humanity is to take responsibility in all major and minor works, overt and covert activities. All spoken and unspoken words of a person render him responsible for all his deeds and thoughts. Responsibility is the effect of the human being upon himself and/or others. Thus, taking responsibility results in a high status for the person and it is the reason for his dignity.

Second, it generates trust in the person’s heart in that his visible and invisible efforts will not be wasted. It assures that if one’s efforts are made sincerely, they will be accepted and rewarded, even if the desired result is not achieved due to an obstacle beyond the person’s control. The Qur’an states in this regard:

“…And whoever leaves his home migrating toward Allah and His Apostle and is then overtaken by death, his reward shall certainly fall on Allah…”.(3)

Thus, for a person who merely attempts to act with sincerity, Allah (swt) will undoubtedly reward him or her. Moreover, Islamic scholars agree upon the fact that even if one has unintentionally made a mistake while he is trying to achieve a good deed, he will have a reward before God.

Third, it can be understood from the previous point that believing in resurrection facilitates carrying out a human being’s duty in the progress of society and his own progress in any circumstances. A believer would make an effort to achieve that great goal, regardless of the views of those who benefit from the current status of society. Such a person seeks God’s contentment and asks Him for rewards in this life and in the hereafter.

Fourth, people must pay attention to the role of repentance in the reinforcement of human effort, keeping them away from despair and disappointment, and facilitating the making up of past errors.

Man is Central in Islamic Culture

Islam introduces general concepts based on human values and preserving them for the establishment of the original culture for Muslims and provides a comprehensive view towards the universe and life. One would understand the extent of humanism in Islam’s view if he explores it with regard to the human being, life, the universe, society, and other general theoretical concepts unavailable in the domain of science and experience.

A human being is very honourable in the Qur’an and higher than many other creatures. He is created by the best Creator in the best form. He is created by God and chosen by Him to be His representative on earth. God has taught him the names and breathed into him of His spirit, ordered the angels to prostrate before the human being and disposed of the sun, the moon, the stars, and the day and night for him.

A human being is honoured with endless potential for knowledge and is the only creature to whom God has granted the potential perfection of supremacy over universal forces and other creatures.

A human being is a noble-natured creature who is guided to two ways of good and evil and is inspired with virtues and vices to become perfect in the struggle he is in with the help of his freedom of choice. This feature is exclusive to him among all creatures and this enables him to elevate higher than angels.

Islam’s view of death, disease, and disasters are very compassionate and humane. Death is the ornament of life which is like a necklace around a girl’s neck that beautifies her. It is the means of testing human beings and it is a blessing that God tries to determine which one of us does better deeds.

Death is a gateway to the All-forgiving God who has the best and most eternal things. Death is not the end of man’s life. A human being can pass the bridge of death while he is happy with what he is given by God because, as he continues his life by divine sustenance, he is also being given good news about the comforts which he has not yet received. He can have eternal deeds and can eternalize his activities.

However, disease, disaster, and losing properties, people, and children are all tests for people which enable them to develop their talents and to practice patience as well as help them learn about their real capacity and capabilities since they belong to Allah and to Him they will return. As well, tragedies, diseases, and natural disasters can act as stimuli for knowing them, avoiding their disastrous consequences, and learning to control them to a possible extent.

According to what has been mentioned above, they all create the divine school which makes human knowledge develop. In the Islamic view, the future belongs to pious people and victory belongs to God’s friends and God wants the abased to inherit and lead the earth.

The fruit of such a look is a positive feeling and belief in victory and success. The universe is a big altar where everything prostrates before God, praises Him, prays to Him, and seeks refuge before Him. Everything in this world is created based on order, size, and value. Such a view will have a positive effect on a human being’s activities and efforts.

Continue in the next article: http://Islam, Humanity and Human Values 3

The Author: Sayyid Musa Sadr



1. The Quran 30:31-32

2. The Quran 112:3

3. The Quran 4:100

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