The Scientific and Cultural Website of Shia belief

Which Dua is Accepted and Responded to?

Which Dua is Accepted and Responded to?



The present article aims to introduce the responded and accepted supplication and what conditions should a Dua have to reach the level of acceptance and response.

Responded Dua in Sunni and Shia Traditions

In the previous article, it was discussed that Dua is one of the important ways for people to pray to their Creator. But, there are other important points regarding Dua. That is: Whose Dua is responded to and which Dua is accepted?

Those whose du’a is responded to

Some traditions were transmitted from the Prophet (PBUH&HP) showing that Allah promptly responds to the supplication of some people, such as:

1. The wronged

The Prophet (PBUH&HP) said, “Beware of the supplication of a wronged one because he just asks Allah for his right, and Allah the Almighty does never prevent any rightful one from his right.”[1]

This tradition declares that Allah responds to the supplication of the wronged whether they are believers or not and He avenges severely the unjust.

The Prophet (PBUH&HP) said, “The supplication of a wronged one is responded to even if he is dissolute because his dissoluteness is against himself.”[2]

He said, “Avoid the invocations of the wronged because there is no screen between them and Allah.”[3]

He said, “Beware of the wronged one’s invocation because it is carried on the clouds, and Allah the Almighty says: by My glory and loftiness, I will make you (the wronged one) win even if after a time.”[4]

He also said, “Beware of the wronged one’s invocation, because it goes up to heaven like a spark.”[5]

He added, “He, who invokes (Allah) against one who has wronged him, will be supported.”[6]

2. The father’s supplication for his children

The supplications that Allah responds to is the prayer of a father for his children because he prays eagerly, loyally, and from the deep of the heart. The Prophet (PBUH&HP) said, “A father’s prayer for his child is like the Prophet’s prayer for his nation.” [7]

3. One’s prayer for his brother

The Prophet said, “The brother’s prayer for his brother secretly shall not be rejected.” [8]

4. The prayer of one for another who is far away

The Prophet (PBUH&HP) said, “The promptest of prayers in being responded to is the prayer of one, who is far away (from his country and home) for one, who is far away (from the country and home).” [9]

5. The prayer of an afflicted believer

The Prophet (PBUH&HP) said, “Avail the prayer of an afflicted believer.”[10]

6. The supplication at affection

The Prophet (PBUH&HP) said, “Avail the supplication at affection (godliness) because it is a mercy.” [11]

7. The supplication of one who is done good to

The Prophet (PBUH&HP) said, “The prayer of one, who is done good to, for the good-doer shall not be rejected.”[12]

8. The Muslim’s prayer for his Muslim brother

The Prophet (PBUH&HP) said, “The prayer of a Muslim secretly for his brother is responded to. There is an angel at his head entrusted with him that whenever he (the Muslim) prays for his brother in good, the angel says: Amen! And you shall get the same.”[13]

9. Answered supplications

The Prophet (PBUH&HP) said, “There are five supplications that are responded to; the supplication of a wronged one until he is made satisfied, the supplication of a hajji until he comes back home, the supplication of a warrior in the way of Allah until he comes back home, the supplication of a sick one until he recovers, and the supplication of a brother secretly for his brother; and the promptest of these supplications in being answered is the supplication of a brother secretly for his brother.”[14]

10. Supplications that are not rejected

The Prophet (PBUH&HP) said, “There are three (persons) that Allah has promised not to reject any of their supplications; a faster until he breaks his fasting, a wronged one until he is made satisfied (against the wrong-doer), and a traveller until he comes back home.”[15]



[1] Kanzul Ummal, vol. 3 p. 507.
[2] Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 90, P.356, Musnad of Ahmed bin Hanbal, vol. 3 p. 367.
[3] Nahjul- Fasahah, Tradition. 48.
[4] Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 90, P.358, Uddato Ddaei va Najah-ossaei, P. 132
[5] Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 90, P.359

[6] Sunan of at-Tirmdhi, vol. 1 p. 343.

[7] Mishkat al-Anwar, p. 163,

[8] Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 90, P.355, Kanzul Ummal, vol. 2 p. 98.
[9] Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 90, P.359, Sunan of Abi Dawud, vol. 6 p. 343.
[10] Kanzul Ummal, vol. 2 p. 103.
[11] Nahj al-Fasahah, vol. 1 p. 321,

[12] Kanzul Ummal, vol. 2 p. 98.

[13] Nahj al-Fasaha, vol. 1 p. 322.
[14] Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 90, P.354, Shu’ab al-Eeman, vol. 2 p. 46.
[15] Kanzul Ummal, vol. 2 p. 99.

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