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The Month of Ramadan: The Month of Superabundant Blessings

The Month of Ramadan: The Month of Superabundant Blessings



Islam is a code of life that always takes into consideration the well-being of mankind and its environment. It is on this basis that all its laws and legislations are for the benefit and advantage of humanity. Allah says: “…and has not laid upon you any hardship in religion, the faith of your father Ibrahim; He named you Muslims[1]Fasting is one of the practical laws (Furu-ud-deen) in Islamic laws and it is made compulsory for every mature, sane believer once in the year in the holy month of Ramadan. In the glorious Qur’an, Allah says: “O you who have faith! Prescribed for you is fasting as it was prescribed for those who were before you, so that you may be Godwary[2]

Thus, the legislation of fasting in Islamic law is made for the utmost benefit of man. This indeed comes out of the divine mercy and benevolence of Allah on His creatures. Allah (swt) says: “…Allah desires ease for you and (He) does not desire for you difficulty[3]

Significance of the Ramadan Fast

The month of Ramadan, (i.e. the ninth month in the Islamic calendar) is the month of compulsory fast, the best and the only month whose name is categorically mentioned in the glorious Qur’an. Actually, fasting in the month of Ramadan is a special invitation from Allah to a ‘Divine feast’; its philosophy and benefits cannot be totally explained by man. However, the blessings and favours in this great month are abundantly available and readily bestowed upon the fast observers in accordance with their merits, worth and absorbing capacities.

Every single second, minute, hour, night and day in this month is incomparable to any other in the remaining months. It indeed surpasses all months in merits and favours. In this holy month, Allah considers the fast-observers as His special guests. Their breathings and sleep there-in merit the rewards of worship (i.e. Ibadat) while their prayers and supplications are favourably granted and sanctified[4].

During this holy month, the doors of Heavens, Paradises and everlasting bliss are thrown open while those of the Hell-fires are closed for the believers and the devils are held in chains[5]. Above all, the revelation of the glorious Qur’an was on a very special night (i.e. the night of majesty) of this month[6]. A night which its merits, superiority and superabundant bounties and favours are second to none. The worship of worshippers on this night is superior and better than the worship done in one thousand months (More than 83 years).

Allah (swt) in the glorious Qur’an says: “The night of majesty is better than a thousand months[7]

Thus, he is indeed, the fortunate one, he who has attained proximity to Allah, and earned His forgiveness and favours in this holy month while the most unfortunate one is he who is deprived of Allah’s pardon and forgiveness.

Meanwhile, those who truly want to reap the immense blessings and benefits of this month would have made adequate preparations in the previous months, so that the holy month of Ramadan will not be a preparatory ground to ‘sow seeds’ but rather a ‘harvest period’ for the superabundant bounties of Allah.

Benefits of Ramadan fast

Actually, no one except the All-Knowing God can expound the philosophy and benefits of Ramadan fast in its totality. Similarly, there is no doubt that the greatest and utmost benefit of the Ramadan fast according to the Qur’an is its spiritual benefit. However, apart from this, there are other associated benefits, which shall be discussed as follows:

1. Spiritual benefits

The ultimate benefit of the Ramadan fast is its spiritual one.  According to the Qur’an, the greatest spiritual benefit of the Ramadan fast is Taqwa[8] (i.e. Consciousness of Allah) and attainment of Allah’s countenance. Thus, with the attainment of this spiritual quality, both the material as well as the spiritual needs of man in this world and the hereafter are been catered for and guaranteed by the All-Compassionate God[9]. Without any doubt, whoever is deprived of this noble and ultimate goal of fasting is indeed a great loser and the most unfortunate one.

Thus, our main aim of fasting should be that which our Creator; Allah (swt) wishes, that is, to reach the peak of perfection and attain proximity to Him (The Exalted). Hence, fasting should keep us far apart from bodily sensual desires and lead us to angelic and spiritual virtues. Of course, fasting saves its observer from the Hellfire and makes him attain Paradise. However, that should not be our main objective or motive for fasting; rather, the attainment of the pleasure of Allah must be our objective in every act of worship we observe.

2. Physiological benefits

Obviously, one of the habits fasting infuses in its observers is the habit of moderate and less eating. This goes a long way in protecting the body from the infliction of so many diseases and consequently, the body remains hail and healthy. This is because, the less food one consumes, the higher the rate of digestion to the bloodstream and vice versa.

Moreover, it is a fact that fast is the best remedy for some physiological defects such as chronic disorders of the intestines, obesity, spontaneous blood pressure, diabetes, chronic nephritis etcetera[10].

The Prophet (s.a.w.a) was reported to have said: “Fast so that you will be healthy[11]

3. Psychological benefits

Fasting, particularly in the holy month of Ramadan is a whole month training programme for its observers to sincerely abstain from their most desired daily activities such as eating, drinking, lawful sexual pleasure etcetera for a specific period without the supervision and watchful eyes of any human being. Consequently, if a man can overcome and has control over his mind to this extent during the month of Ramadan, then he would be able to have certain levels of control over his wishes and carnal desires. Hence, transforming him into a well-disciplined individual for the rest of his life.

Besides, the habit of moderate and less eating purifies the heart and insight and enhances the sense of quick grasping while over-eating on the other hand, slows down the sense of perception, reduces the power of quick grasping of things and hence, results in blindness of the heart, mental defect and idiocy.

The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: “Whoever keeps his stomach hungry, his thinking culminates to the highest level, thus, making his reflections stronger”.

4. Moral & Ethical benefits

Fasting is not only about the renunciation of foods and drinks alone, but, it is an abstinence from every vices and ill manners such as backbiting, lying, hypocrisy, conceit, oppression and usurpation throughout the month as well. A genuine fast is the one that is observed while our eyes, ears, tongue, limbs, and every organ of the body are also abstained from vices.

Besides, it was categorically stated by the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a) that whoever backbites a believer while in the state of fasting or breaks his fast with a usurped item (food) will not only be deprived of the rewards for the fast but will be punished for the sins.

Thus, if any fast-observer during the period of Ramadan fast could renounce vices and immoral acts, then, he would be able to refrain from the same even after the end of the fast. This, of course, goes a long way in reforming the fast-observer to a well-moral individual, even for the rest of his lifetime.

5. Social benefits

Without any doubt, the well-being of an individual is indeed the well-being of society. That is to say, if an individual is well-mannered and disciplined, definitely, the society feels its positive impacts and vice versa. Thus, for the moral reformation the Ramadan fast infuses in the lives of its observers, there wouldn’t be any avenue for crimes and vices in the society, hence, making the human society free of vices and violation of other peoples’ rights.

Besides, fasting, particularly in the month of Ramadan is an avenue for self-reformation and transformation. During this period, most people who are nonchalant to religious activities become committed and dedicated worshippers throughout this blessed month and perhaps for the rest of their lifetimes.

Furthermore, during the month of Ramadan, the rich and the well-to-do individuals experience the conditions and situations of the poor and less-privileged ones of the community and they thereby render necessary support and assistance to them[12]. This goes a long way in unifying the Muslim community.

6. Economic benefits

It is obvious that fasting reduces in its observers the extravagant consumption of foods and drinks and hence, reduces the excessive spending on food items. Consequently, it retains some extra amounts of money, which might have been extravagantly spent. Moreover, the month of Ramadan is a month of generosity when Zakat (Alms-giving), Khums and other charitable acts are given out to the assigned authorities and the less-privileged individuals in the society. This consequently, creates adequate amounts of wealth in circulation for the economic well-being of the community at large.




[1] . Qur’an 22, Verse 78.

[2] . Qur’an 2, Verse 183.

 [3] . Qur’an 2, Verse 185.

[4] . Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 93, p. 248 (Hadith No. 6)

[5] . Ibid, vol 93, p. 338.

[6] . Qur’an 97, Verse 1.

[7] . Qur’an 97: 3.

[8] . Qur’an 2, Verse 185.

[9] . Qur’an 65, Verses 2-5, Qur’an 8, Verse 29, Qur’an 49, Verse 13.

[10] . Dr. A. Ismail, ‘Islam and Modern Medicine’.

[11] . Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 93, p. 255.

[12] . Refer to: Hurr al-Amili, Wasā’il Shiah, vol. 7, p. 3, Hadith 1.

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